After the Scottish Government announcement on 19th Mar 2021 regarding funding for a survey for high-rise buildings and cladding, The Committee have been trying to find out as much as possible on this, including being in contact with people who were on the Ministerial Working Party involved in this latest Government plan of action.
The Chairman has emailed several people including Ian Fergusson, Shepherd Chartered Surveyors. The Vice Chair has contacted Chris Ashurst (High Rise Scottish Action Group ), both of these people are on the working party. The Chairman also emailed questions to the Scottish Government.
But just to say first and foremost - this is not actually about funding for repair works themselves - e.g fixing the cladding. This is to get accepted on a pilot study, one of the aims of which is eventually to lead to a 'single building survey' to replace the current EWS1 system and make it easier for owners/professionals to access information on a building. Also, one of the end goals for this whole process is to have a system in place where owners of properties that are considered a risk have clear advice on what steps to take to rectify those issues. (Or that's how we understand it so far). Just to stress again, these are the aims and the process is only just beginning. (See route map diagram below)
We understand that an online form will be available shortly for owners/property managers to register an interest in this pilot study. It may be that properties that already have some kind of written evidence - e.g. a survey - which has identified dangerous issues will be the first under consideration for acceptance.
We have also been in contact with James Gibb to find out what they propose to do regarding this latest announcement.
Again to note/ this information can change as we all get a better understanding of what this may mean for us all.
Link to the report below:
Summary of Route Map
