As ever, planning issues arise in Edinburgh. This particular one relates to the whole of the harbour area but has implications for the land in front of Heron Place. Planning permission that was granted for this land originally had a 15 year lifespan, but subsequently an application was applied to extend this by 5 years. This extension is now the subject of a case to be heard on Thursday, 23rd Jan 2020. Owners can go along to hear the outcome of this but we will also post the out come on the website for your information. The exact details of the meeting are below but if you would like more background on this please contact the committee on:
The 15 year planning application 01/00802/OUT originally granted to Gregor Shore is due to be heard under case reference XA105/19 on Thursday (23rd) at 10am in Court 2 at the Court of Sessions at the top of the Mound. Edinburgh Council is opposing the extension given the issues experienced under Gregor Shore and are proposing that the planning application be submitted afresh or with significant changes, this is opposed by Granton Central Developments. Assuming that there is no movement before 23rd the case is due to go ahead.
